SOUL moon shop

 The magic of

the SOUL moon shop.

Only open at:

full & new moon

Founders, founders and developers Jedid-Jah & Marike are well-known writers, inspirators, speakers, trainers and soul coaches. All products, books, games and trainings have been written and developed by themselves.

They always have a connection with the energy of the moon and have experienced its effects more than once in their own lives. The moon is the founder of all the abundance in your life and all the healing effects in love, health, mission and finances. We may reflect on this every day. That is why the soul moon shop is a tribute to the moon.

All live courses, online courses, training and private coaching are open for registration and participation all year round.

Enjoy all the tangible love and continue to marvel at the magic of nature and the Moon.

All products are shipped throughout Europe.

Full moon over:

Day (s)


Hour (s)


Minute (s)


Second (s)

Soul shop 

Magic sets only with full moon

All sets are shipped throughout EUROPE. 


Magical book set: 'Your past is your strength'

Magical book set: your past is your power. A pure and activating guide for your inner journey. A book series that inspires you and especially activates you to stand in your own power, to stay and to make choices from your feelings & intuition. All books have a down-to-earth and spiritual writing style with a palpable energy.

Life is about yourself and circumstances can make you distance yourself. But all situations you have experienced are growing pains of the soul. A negative experience can become a positive life lesson. Discover through this magical set how you can transform your authentic gift into a mission that awakens all the love, energy and wisdom that lives in you. You are a magical wonder of the universe.


Magic set: 'Connecting with your feelings'

In the silence you feel the answers. Often we are overstimulated by computers, phones, work, busy social life and especially our own thoughts. We take too little time for slowing down and rest to listen to your inner voice.

It is common for people to find it difficult to feel.

Then ask yourself these questions:
1. Is this difficult because you don't know how?
2. Or is it difficult because you don't dare to allow yourself to feel.

The answer to the second question is: 'give yourself permission to feel'. Whatever comes up. Don't let fear dominate but replace it with trust. The feeling is already in you and it may be given space to feel it. Realize that you are always carried, helped and loved by the greater whole. Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason to let you grow.

If you don't know how?
Then you are often too much in your head and you are 'overthinking'. Overthinking that you cannot feel well, which blocks your feeling.

Take this first step: Switch off one sense to be able to feel more. If you could have done it differently, you might have done it differently now. This also applies to negative events, unpleasant experiences and nasty situations. Everything you recall from the past are all thoughts, while these thoughts are no longer from now. By recalling what you would have preferred to experience, through anger or reproach, there is negative energy. By accepting what has been, you heal your past and you can feel in the now. Trust your unique life process.

Because now everything is different. Now everything is good.


Magic set: 'Follow your heart'

Why not? Because someone else can't feel better than you, because we are all learning (each in his or her own field), which allows us to grow. In some cultures it doesn't matter how often you fail, but how often you get up, that's what counts! Shouldn't that be the way why and through which you can develop? By doing, you encounter yourself and things about yourself, which you can change, improve and grow through. Because once learned, it stays with you.

Failure is a negative thought or feeling. You can turn this negativity into positive thoughts and feelings.

Such as: I can’t do it, I’ll never succeed, I’m not good enough… to… I can do it! I can do it! I’m good enough, I’ve never done it before but I think, I believe, I trust, that I can do it. These are uplifting and positive thoughts that every successful person will agree with.

There is no path without challenges, growth and life lessons. You learn from the life lesson that gives you wisdom that makes you even stronger and more magical than before. You can't fail, but you can learn from the life lesson.

Soul shop 

hardcover books also available in English

All books are magically wrapped.


Hardcover book – 172 pages

Hardcover book – 178 pages

Hardcover book – 368 pages

Hardcover book – 200 pages

 Everything with love and magic…

By writing books, training courses, podcasts, giving retreats in Europe and years of experience in coaching and business coaching, they develop spiritual products, cards, books, training methods and much more with much love... Your past is your strength and from self-love you can put yourself and your beautiful mission in the light.

Enjoy all the tangible love and continue to marvel at the magic of nature and the Moon.

The products are known from:

Bruna, Libris, Ako and other physical and online bookstores.


more than 41.000 followers – inspiration for your soul

Get inspired by the podcasts

Full moon

New Moon

When is the full moon this year?

The soul moon shop is open for orders on the day for full and new moon and on full and new moon itself.

September 17 day before full moon + September 18 full moon (super moon)

October 16 day before full moon + October 17 full moon

November 14 day before full moon + November 15 full moon

December 14 day before full moon + December 15 full moon

On all these dates you can order soul products in collaboration with moon. You will also receive a new or full moon certificate with your order.

When is the new moon this year?

The soul moon shop is open for orders on the day for full and new moon and on full and new moon itself.

September 2nd day before new moon and September 3rd new moon

October 1st day before new moon and October 2nd new moon

November 30 day before new moon and December 1 new moon

December 29 day before new moon and December 30 new moon

New or full moon reminder

Receive a free reminder in the email the day before new or full moon. With magical inspiration and the chance to order your soul moon product. Including the new or full moon certificate.

The magic of the

SOUL moon shop

Keep on being amazed by the magical nature. The energy of the moon is always tangible in our lives. Only you don't always think about it. Soul of inspiration wants to give the energy and power of the moon a stage for you. That is why the soul moon shop is only open during FULL and NEW moon. With all soul moon products you will receive a full or new moon certificate with your order. It is not about commerce or being open 24/7. It is important to reflect on the power and energy of nature and the moon.

This allows you to give yourself or someone you love a gift of love and moon power. On this you manifest more love and energy for your own life or that of others on full and new moon.

Soul moon products

View soul moon products. You can view and reserve all products. These will then be confirmed with full and new moon so that you can pay for them at that time. To connect the energy of the moon with your soul journey.

Order a soul gift on a full or new moon

Work with the power of the moon. Send gratitude to nature by giving yourself or someone you love a soul gift on the full and new moon.

Every month a product is in the moonlight

Every month a magical product from the collection will be put in the moonlight. You can order these at full or new moon.

Full or New Moon Certificate

To send your gift of extra moon power you will receive a full or new moon certificate as a gift with all your orders. This gives a deeper meaning to your soul journey.

Before or on new & full moon

The soul moon shop is open for orders on the day before and on new or full moon. Due to the amount of visitors, everyone has the chance to order a magical gift.

Products in your shopping cart or sign in

Place your products in your shopping cart now or sign up for the full or new moon reminder below.

New or full moon reminder

Receive a free reminder in the email the day before new or full moon. With magical inspiration and the chance to order your soul moon product. Including the new or full moon certificate.

Magic set: 'your past is your strength' in the moonlight

Every month there is a magical soul product in the moonlight. This product will be different every month. Surprise yourself or someone you love with the energy of the moonlight. Receive a full or new moon certificate as a gift with your order. This gives a loving and grateful memory of the full or new moon.

Magical soul book set: 'Connecting with your feelings'.

Soul moon products

View soul moon products. You can view and reserve all products. These will then be confirmed with full and new moon. So that you can then pay for them. To connect the energy of the moon with your soul journey.

Soul shop 

hardcover books also available in English

All books are magically wrapped.


Hardcover book – 172 pages

Hardcover book – 178 pages

Hardcover book – 368 pages

Hardcover book – 200 pages

 Everything with love and magic…

By writing books, training courses, podcasts, giving retreats in Europe and years of experience in coaching and business coaching, they develop spiritual products, cards, books, training methods and much more with much love... Your past is your strength and from self-love you can put yourself and your beautiful mission in the light.

Enjoy all the tangible love and continue to marvel at the magic of nature and the Moon.

The products are known from:

Bruna, Libris, Ako and other physical and online bookstores.


more than 40.000 followers – inspiration for your soul

Let your soul be inspired with podcasts

Get a reminder for full or new moon.

Want to get a reminder for the full and new moon? For a magical gift to yourself or someone you love? 

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